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HCG Test

The hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test is a precise diagnostic tool designed to detect the presence of the hCG hormone, which plays a crucial role during pregnancy. This test is instrumental in confirming pregnancy, monitoring its progress, diagnosing potential pregnancy complications, and even in the detection and management of certain types of cancers. Opting for an hCG test is a proactive measure for individuals seeking clarity on pregnancy status or monitoring specific health conditions. Talk to your health care provider about whether you should undergo an hCG test and to understand your test results.

To confirm pregnancy, to diagnose potential complications with the pregnancy, to monitor a pregnancy after a miscarriage, or to diagnose certain types of cancers.

  • Medications: Inform your doctor about any medications, vitamins, or supplements you're taking, as some might affect the test results.
  • Appointment Timing: Timing can be important, especially if the test is being used to confirm pregnancy. Blood levels of hCG can be detected as early as 11 days after conception and typically rise rapidly in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • Sample Collection: This test involves drawing blood from a vein in your arm. The process is similar to any standard blood test and involves minimal discomfort.
  • Duration: The blood draw takes only a few minutes, though additional time may be needed for paperwork or waiting at the clinic.

Depending on the results, further testing or follow-up appointments may be necessary. It is essential to discuss your test results with your healthcare provider, who can offer an interpretation and recommend any next steps or treatment.


If you have any questions or concerns about the testing process or what to expect, please click the links below or call us at (503) 477-7748. We are here to ensure that you are fully informed and comfortable with the testing process.